Kara Sigler, RH
Registered Herbalist, American Herbalist Guild
Clinical Herbalist, Ayurvedic Bodywork and Pulse Practitioner, Herban Elixirs Apothecary Kara Sigler began her practice in the Bay Area of California as a Western Clinical Herbalist in 2006, and as an Ayurvedic Lymphatic Massage practitioner in 2012. Kara supports and educates her clients on integrating herbs and healthy life choices. She incorporates Ayurvedic pulse, face and tongue assessment, as well as other modalities of bodywork, nutritional consulting, and emotional/energetic counseling, into her sessions with clients. Kara’s approach to wholistic healing focuses on women, queer and transgender health, but she sees all bodies in her clinical practice.Kara currently teaches workshops such as TransNatural, Bitters making, Hormonal Health, and the Stress-Digestion connection, throughout the bay area, as well as leads herb walks and wildcrafting trips. Kara makes individualized herb formulas for clients in her apothecary, and has a new line of herbal products Herban Elixirs, offered through her online shop and several locations in California. Herban Elixirs Products Education Kara’s love of plants stems from her childhood in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and finding a modality that helped her own healing. From menstrual cramps that left her curled in a ball and vomiting in pain for an entire day a month, to mild memories of cramps, herbs have changed Kara’s relationship with and belief in her body. She loves to share this life-altering wisdom with others, reminding them of their ancestral knowing and relating with plants.Kara was certified in 2005 by the Ohlone Herbal Center in Berkeley, CA as a Clinical Western Herbalist. She has been seeing clients and teaching her love of plant medicine ever since. Kara finished a 2 year Ayurvedic Bodywork and Pulse internship with Deanna Batdorff of the Dhyana Center, Sebastopol in 2012. She also completed an acupressure program in 2005 and a 150 hour certification in Swedish massage in 2012. Kara continues to learn and grow in her practice through further formal education and from her clients. Kara is honored to have studied with such renowned teachers as William Morris, Autumn Summers, Karen Aguiar, Terri Jensen, Kami McBride, Donna D’Terra, Pam Fischer, Sarah Bearden, David Hoffman, Lois Johnson, Sarah Holmes, Karyn Sanders, and Deanna Batdorf, among others.To read Kara’s full Health Education Resume click here resume Health Practitioner jan 2014